Monday 9 January 2017

Hanoi - 9th January

Arrived early morning, a little jetlagged! A couple of hours sleep then for my first foray out onto the streets of Hanoi. You certainly take your life in your hands crossing these roads!! The roads are full of cars and mopeds, beeping their horns (and on first impressions) aiming to kill you. There don't seem to be any rules as when you can cross(even on a zebra). Advice in guidebook, "walk purposefully across, with little hesitation and the traffic will go round you". Tried this, a couple of times, initially tagged to locals for protection, scary! But it worked, well at least for today. A few images of my first excursion....... The day was finished off with a walking street food tour. Very tasty, particularly the hot chocolate with a sort of egg mixture on top. Looked a bit strange but tasted delicious.


  1. Glad you arrived safely Grandma ❤!

    1. Thank you Savannah. Got here safe and sound. I am a bit tired but enjoying Hanoi. Love Grandma xx
